Scholarship FAQ Guide

Read below for all the information needed to apply for 2024-2025 foundation Scholarships.

When, and how long are scholarship applications available? 

Scholarship applications will be open Friday, December 1st through Friday, March 1st. We hope this provides ample time for gathering materials and submitting applications.  

What do I need to apply for scholarships? 

FASFA ID Number, if you have one. If not, just designate the section N/A.  
Student ID Number 
Academic Information: Major(s)/Minor(s), Academic Records, and GPA.  
School Information: Financial Aid Office Address 
Supporting Documents: Resume, Course Schedule, and Two Letter of Recommendations.  

When will I find out if I’ve received a scholarship?  

Scholarship recipients will be notified roughly around May 15th.  

Who decides the recipients of the scholarships? 

Our scholarship recipients are selected by a volunteer led scholarship committee. These volunteers take all factors into account when making their selections, providing equal opportunities to all candidates.   

Who should I ask for a letter of recommendation? 

Anyone who is in a position to speak to your character; ideally not family members or undergraduate chapter brothers. For example: alumni, professors, former employers, supervisors from volunteer positions, etc.  

How many scholarships can I apply for? 

When submitting your application, you’ll have the opportunity to select all the scholarships you wish to apply for. There is no limit to the number of scholarships for which you can apply. Some do have specific requirements, so be sure to read over those carefully. For those submitting to the Paul A. Elfers Omega Scholarship, there is a separate essay that is required.  

For any additional questions, contact