Founders Month of Service Challenge

Phi Taus at a National Service Event at Camp Boggy Creek in 2015

Founders Month of Service is upon us! This month-long initiative has had many forms in the past, and we have seen a massive return to activity since chapters began to return to in-person activities the past several semesters. Overall, we want chapters to view this month as an excellent opportunity to get out and participate in some community service in honor of our founders!  

This year there are three simple ways to engage with the Founders Month of Service activities.  

  1. Do Something: Did you know that last year we had nearly 20,000 hours of community service reported by our undergraduate membership? While this is a number we are proud of, and an increase from the past couple of years it still averages out to just about 5 hours per man for the entire year. Our minimum expectations call for each member to participate in at least 15 hours of community service. This month alone we could beat the total hour count from 2022! In the coming days we’ll be rolling out some handy resources for how to pull off a weekend community service event on short notice! 

  1. Commit to Volunteer: Per the Borradaile Challenge, every chapter should have at least one volunteer at a SeriousFun camp to exceed expectations. There are several benefits to volunteering at a SeriousFun camp, both personal and professional. This month we want to have 50 undergraduates complete our volunteer interest form! By filling out this form you will be connected with our National Service Advisor who will connect you with the right information to complete your volunteer application for the right SeriousFun camp for you! Click here for the form. 

  1. Donate: To ease the financial burden of traveling, the Phi Kappa Tau Foundation has stipends set aside to go towards travel expenses when volunteering at a SeriousFun camp. For Founders Day of Giving, we have set up a fundraising team with a goal of $5,000 to help provide additional funds for the several new volunteers we expect to be attending camp this summer! Click here for the fundraising page. 

To help encourage you to participate, if we reach 50 volunteer interest form submissions or $5,000 raised through our fundraising team National President Dale Holland, Kent State ’87, will shave his head! 

However you choose to participate this month we hope that you find a renewed meaning in what it means to be a member of Phi Kappa Tau and “discharge the obligation to others”.