117 Community Service Kickstarters!

Zeta Mu Chapter at Appalachian State at their “Adopt-A-Street” cleanup project.

Each March is Phi Kappa Tau’s “Founders Month of Service”, and in honor of our 117th Founders Day our Chapter Services Team has developed 117 Community Service Event to help kickstart your community service efforts for the rest of the month.

Below you will find a combination of one-day and multi-day events that you chapter can use as inspiration for community service related activities. Not all may work for your location or campus, but we’re positive at least one of these ideas will help your chapter get engaged in your community!

  1. Spontaneous campus cleanup.

  2. Collect litter at a local park.

  3. Volunteer at a local animal shelter/ humane society.

  4. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen.

  5. Donate blood or plasma.

  6. Help people register to vote.

  7. Rake leaves/ shovel snow/ do some landscaping for someone in need.

  8. Volunteer at a local boys and girls club.

  9. Offer dog-walking services. 

  10. Host a food drive.

  11. Take and donate photos during community events. 

  12. Participate in the cleanup of a local river, pond, or lake. 

  13. Collect bottles for recycling and donate the funds to charity. 

  14. Send cards to soldiers serving overseas.

  15. Donate old eyeglasses to an organization that collects that and distributes them to people in need.

  16. Donate non-perishable food to a food bank.

  17. Donate blankets to a homeless shelter.

  18. Make "care kits" with shampoo, toothbrushes, combs, etc. to donate to homeless shelters. 

  19. Make first aid kits for homeless shelters. 

  20. Hold an athletics contest.

  21. Host a study group. 

  22. Write letters to seniors in care facilities.

  23. Volunteer at a community center. 

  24. Plant sustainable trees and flowers.

  25. Train for a race with someone who is training for a marathon or 5K .

  26. Bake treats for a local non profit community center.

  27. Organize books at your local library.

  28. Help a local School as a Crossing Guard.

  29. Take a life saving class.

  30. Offer free self-defense lessons (After getting trained yourself).

  31. Organize a game nights at senior homes. 

  32. Volunteer your time to walk with seniors or assist them in their daily exercises. 

  33. Have a blanket making party then donate them to an animal shelter.

  34. Preserve hiking and nature trails near you.

  35. Offer free college essay workshops.

  36. Volunteer as a peer counselor.

  37. Petition for community improvements.

  38. College athletes can offer free sports clinics for children who may not have the opportunity to play on a team. 

  39. Check with your school to see if student volunteers can clean academic facilities for a day to give janitorial staff a break. 

  40. Host local tours to familiarize prospective students with their surroundings. 

  41. Host an event that connects students with alumni. 

  42. Teach life lessons or “adulting” classes. 

  43. Help students relax with free de-stressing activities. 

  44. Connect with gamers by hosting a gaming tournament and donate proceeds to SeriousFun or a charity of your choice.

  45. Phone bank to your local representatives about local issues. 

  46. Build birdhouses for your community.

  47. Donate stuffed animals to children in hospitals.

  48. Paint over graffiti in your neighborhood.

  49. Create and distribute a list of hotlines for people who might need help.

  50. Become CPR certified.

  51. Paint park benches.

  52. Donate used books to your local library.

  53. Become a tour guide at your local museum.

  54. Repaint community fences.

  55. Volunteer to clean up trash at a community event.

  56. Volunteer to help set up for a community event. 

  57. Clean up vacant lot. 

  58. Build park benches. 

  59. Conduct a neighborhood drive to collect used furniture. 

  60. Test the health of the water in your local lakes, rivers or streams. 

  61. Take household toxic waste to a proper disposal facility. 

  62. Check indoor radon levels. 

  63. Deliver meals to homebound individuals. 

  64. Offer to pick up groceries with/for a senior citizen. 

  65. Help senior citizens in your neighborhood obtain and install locks or smoke alarms. 

  66. Become an advocate. Contact your legislators on issues close to your heart. 

  67. Contact a local organization about donating flags to public institutions. 

  68. Contact job training and placement centers in your community. 

  69. Collect and donate school supplies. 

  70. Collect grocery coupons for local food pantries to help them with costs. 

  71. Help your neighbors with repairs. 

  72. Design a community mural. 

  73. Organize a reading hour for children at a local school or library.

  74. Teach computer skills to someone who needs it.

  75. Organize a carpool to reduce car emissions.

  76. Create a “random acts of kindness campaign” and hold open doors or other such activities for students on your campus.

  77. Choose toys at the mall to donate to a toy drive. 

  78. Greet new neighbors with a gift package filled with local goods. 

  79. Collect coins for a special cause. 

  80. Make "You Made My Day" cards and give them to cashiers, baristas, delivery people, or anyone else you meet. 

  81. Host a car wash. 

  82. Host a clothing drive.

  83. Host a canned food drive.

  84. Host a bake sale. 

  85. Host a clothing swap. 

  86. Host a holiday meal. 

  87. Host a competitive book drive. 

  88. Host activities for kids in hospitals. 

  89. Host a dog wash. 

  90. Host an immunization clinic. 

  91. Host a river clean-up. 

  92. Host a gardening party. 

  93. Host a study group. 

  94. Hosting or participating in a 5K run. 

  95. Building homes with an organization like Habitat for Humanity. 

  96. Host a Serious Fun-A-Thon.

  97. Help a neighbor or community org paint fence or building. 

  98. Organize events to help new students make friends.

  99. Sponsor a recycling contest.

  100. Adopt a local highway or road and clean up trash along it.

  101. Design a campaign to promote tolerance and understanding of differences. 

  102. Collect and donate school supplies. 

  103. Coach a youth sports team. 

  104. Publicly host and share your creativity to help uplift and revitalize your community. 

  105. Organize seminars that educate people on topics like drug abuse, depression, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

  106. Volunteer as a firefighter in your community. 

  107. Create a training program that teaches life-saving skills like CPR or the Heimlich maneuver. 

  108. Help install street lights for a street lighting project in your area. 

  109. Help organizations paint run-down buildings or spruce up a neighborhood playground. 

  110. Coordinate with your marching band or club orchestra to give free music lessons to children in the surrounding community (this can be for a semester or a one-time workshop). 

  111. Students can volunteer to provide free babysitting for children of professors and staff during busy times on campus, like finals or the beginning of a semester. 

  112. Recruit popular speakers or host TED Talks. 

  113. Volunteer to do social media for a local org. 

  114. Host a craft show  to recognize local artists.

  115. Organize a small business shop day to benefit the small businesses in your community  

  116. Teach an ESL class at a local school or library. 

  117. Become a member at a museum, theater, or cultural institution and volunteer at events.